Our Partners
Train Your Brain
The South Pasadena Unified School District movement to include mental/emotional/social wellness education into middle and high school curriculum. The SPHS Mediators are part of the Train Your Brain program and assist in many of its activities such as the Freshmen study halls Life Skills Training.
Western Justice Center
Western Justice Center is a non-profit organization to build a more civil, peaceful society where all differences are valued. They have programs to change the way people think and respond to differences and conflict. The Western Justice Center also raises awareness and build skills in schools and communities.
Southern California Mediation Association Educational Foundation
The SCMA-EF supports the education of mediation and increase public awareness of mediation.
Diamond Bar High School Wellness Center
DBHS Wellness Center provides wellness education and resources. In addition, they train peer counselors who can assist students in a supportive environment in order to empower them to develop healthy strategies for personal management, improve school climate and promote academic success.
Active Minds
Active Minds is the nation’s only nonprofit organization dedicated to utilizing the student voice to raise mental health awareness among college students. The organization develops and supports student-run chapters on colleges and university campuses that promote a dialogue around issues of mental health and educate the entire student body about available resources in and around the campus community.
South Pasadena Education Foundation
The mission of South Pasadena Educational Foundation is to support educational excellence in the public schools of South Pasadena— through fundraising and operation of enrichment programs.
Matthew Silverman Memorial Foundation
The Matthew Silverman Memorial Foundation is a nonprofit public charity dedicated to raising awareness with the goals of preventing suicide and saving lives. They provide financial and programmatic support as well as mental health programs for teens and young adults throughout the country.