If there is any form of emergency please call 911 immediately
On Campus:
Ms. Natasha Prime
Special Education Counselor
Office located in the Counseling Center
Email: nprime@spusd.net
Ms. Olinda Cazares
Office located in the Counseling Center
Email: ocazares@spusd.net
Ms. Tracy Ishimaru
Office located in the Counseling Center
Email: tishimaru@spusd.net
Ms. Nan Ng
Office located in the Counseling Center
Email: nng@spusd.net
Ms. Maria Long
Office located in the Counseling Center
Email: mlong@spusd.net
Ms. Marylin Garcia
Office located in the Main Office across from Student Services
Email: mgarcia@spusd.net
Ms. Mary Kang
Office located in Counseling Center
Email: mkang@spusd.net
Mr. David Speck
Vice Principal of Discipline
Office located in Main Office next to Student Services
Email: dspeck@spusd.net
Any teacher or staff member that you feel comfortable talking to is an available resource, however, the staff members mentioned above specialize in the mental health field.