Love always.

The SPHS Mediators are the peer mediation group on the South Pasadena High School campus. The SPHS Mediators have two main goals:
1) to solve conflicts between students peacefully, efficiently, and effectively in order to prevent future conflict and
2) to improve campus culture for the better. The SPHS Mediators use the Cadre approach and structure to peer mediation in order to solve conflicts. We have also dedicated ourselves to supplying SPHS students with resources for mental wellness and educating our students on other mental illnesses and stress relief tactics. Ideally, this effect of positivity and conflict resolution education will transcend the SPHS campus and completely shift the culture of the South Pasadena community.
What does mediation mean to you?
The Mediators will be holding a booth at the Health Fair on Friday (March 23) in the gym during lunch.